Triple Seven Concepts was born from the realization that much of the tactical training industry is broken. Unvalidated theories and the complete disregard of data and facts run rampant. Triple Seven Concepts strives to provide training and tactics to Law Enforcement and citizens that is both effective and supported by reality, not wishful thinking. Drawing from significant experiences and available data, Triple Seven Concepts strives to combat institutional inertia and set a new standard for tactical training.


Meet the Team

  • Tony Cooke "Cookie"

    Tony has been employed with a law enforcement agency in North Central Florida for the last 16 years. He is currently assigned to the agency’s training unit where he oversees the agency’s firearms program. Prior to that, Tony worked for several years in patrol, and 8 years in the narcotics unit, where he was assigned to the DEA Task Force for 6 of those years. Tony has been a member of his agency’s SWAT team for the last ten years, with 4 of those years in the role of Team Leader. Tony is a CJSTC firearms instructor and also holds certifications for red dot sight instructor, VCQB instructor, high threat CQB instructor, and is a certified explosive, ballistic and mechanical breacher. Tony served 4 years in the U.S. Army, with five deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan in the early 2000’s as a member of 1st Ranger Battalion.

  • James Ferguson

    James has been employed with a law enforcement agency in North Central Florida for the last 15+ years. The first six years of his career were spent in patrol, including 4.5 years on midnights. He has been in the Criminal Investigations Division for 9 years, including three years in the narcotics unit. James has been a member of his agency’s SWAT team for the last twelve years. He has been a sniper for 9 years, including 4.5 years as the sniper team leader. He is currently an Assistant SWAT Commander and part of the training cadre for the team. James is a CJSTC Firearms and Vehicle Operations Instructor with hundreds of hours of specialized training. He holds certifications for Police Sniper Instructor, Large Caliber Rifle Instructor, and High Threat CQB Instructor. He is trained in Airborne Use of Force and is an AR-15 and Accuracy International armorer. James competed in high level national and international tactical competitions with Tony and Barrett.

  • Barrett Boyette

    Barrett has been employed at a law enforcement agency in North Florida since 2007. During that time, he has worked assignments in Patrol, Narcotics, Training and in a Warrants Unit as part of the USMS Fugitive Task Force. Barrett was assigned to the Agency's SWAT team in 2010 and held a position there until 2022. He worked a wide variety of positions on the team to include: Sniper, Team Leader and Assistant Team Commander. Barrett was also responsible for the organization and creation of training material for the team over several years. He currently holds a wide variety of Instructor certifications from both the State (CJSTC) and private entities.

    It was during the assignment in the Training Bureau that Barrett noticed the massive disconnect between what was taught and the reality shown by experience and available data. He has had the privilege to have attended a large amount of instruction that exposed him to different training methods and large amounts of information.

“To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”

― Sir Winston Churchill